Wednesday 4 February 2015

vector and pest management

  • Salt, smoke and insect repellent plants can keep away organism and preserve food.
  • 5,000 years ago the Summarianscontrolled insects and mite with sulphur.
  • Oil sprays, ash, sulphurointment and lime were used by Greeks and Romans to protect themselves, livestock and crop pests.
  • Romans burned fields and rotated crops to reduce crop diseases.
  • 2,500 years ago Chinese controlled body lice and other pest with mercury and arsenic
  • Plant desired insecticides and predatory ants in orchards were developed by the Chinese to control caterpillars 1,200 years ago.
  • Ducks and geese were used to catch insects and control weeds.
  • Malaysia used cat to control and catch rats and mice 
define of vector

  • Vector shall mean any insect or arthropod, rodent, or other animal
  • whichcapable causing discomfort, injury, or
  • capable of harboring or transmitting thecausative agentsof disease to humans or domestic animals.

  •  Examples of vector are such as, mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, fleas and ticks are vectors of disease
 define of pest 
  • Pests are living things, which can be troublesome or unwanted.
  • Some pests also called “vectors” because they transmit diseases and cause public health concern.
  • Examples: rodent, cockroaches, mildew, algae, plant insects. Cockroaches, house ants, termites

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